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la societat cega

-Topant de cap en una i altra guerra

avançant d’esma pel camí de l’odi

se’n va la societat tota sola. És cega


Prejudicis, sexe i raça

El vailet va buidar-li un ull,

era ell qui portava un tel: la societat és cega


Ses companyes, pels barris, per les places

fan soroll per l’asfalt i la vorera

fan dringar l’esquellot, mentre es manifesten

un de sol, ni vol ni pot

però un ramat aguantarà la pedregada: la societat no és cega –

Posted in Poesia.

Punts que brillen molt llunyans

-Punts que brillen molt llunyans

meravellen als humans

totes les civilitzacions

anomenen constel·lacions

pot guiar aquest mapa inmens

també pot parlar en el temps

tan  maies com egipcis

contemplaven equinoccis

el Sol sortia sempre a l’Est, però els rerefons canviaven

no és pas fàcil veure això, ja que milers d’anys passaven

Van escriure amb monuments

un missatge pels presents

L’època contemporània

serà molt revolucionària

Ningú ho diu, però es va acostant

un gran canvi rellevant-

Posted in Poesia.

N’estic fart

-Tonto fa la tonteria

un més ximple la segueix

Ai vés tu qui ho diria

però aquí tots fem el mateix

És ben trist però va així el tema

potser cal ser antisistema

Per bojos si, estem governats

però tots quiets i ben callats

Pot ser bo que hi hagi en Trump

com a mínim es mouràn

Si esperem la independència

ja s’ha vist que cal paciència

N’estic fart, jo vull ser lliure

i es pot fer, si saps com viure

Ara jo ho estic provant

i puc anar desconectant

d’una vida per sobre de tota necessitat

buscant sobirania i sostenibilitat-

Posted in Poesia.

Euritmia celestial

-Euritima celestial

fins al cicle menstrual

Ritme en tota evolució

com un cor en pulsació

o la suau respiració

Música, dansa són la creació

res es sòlid, tot freqüència i vibració

l’Univers compositor

també sap trobar un patró

si sents la seva simfonia

viuràs la vida en harmonia-

Posted in Poesia.

No som ment, no som cos

-No som ment, no som cos

som la consciència que ha creat als dos

Quan la ment està dormint, ta raó també ho fa

pots somiar que vas volant, sense haver-te d’estranyar

Som la joia, som l’amor

no aquest ego que té por

Quan el cos s’hagi podrit

ens unirem a la font d’on hem sortit-

Posted in Poesia.

Cau fugaçment un estel

-Cau fugaçment un estel

aquest l’he vist, però ha anat d’un pèl

Tiba el coll i la gola

hipnotitza l’aureòla

cada mes en Lluna plena

creix l’hortet i la melena

Orbiten també ferralles

que no tornen, són deixades

Contaminació interestelar

un “progrés” que hem de frenar-

Posted in Poesia.

Ja no canta cap mussol

-Ja no canta cap mussol

potser toca sortir al Sol

Abans de l’escalfor del primer raig

cantarà no el gall, sinó el pit-roig-

Posted in Poesia.

Poc a poc tot queda humit

-Ja ve la boira arran de mar

la Lluna no il·lumina, ni tampoc el far

Poc a poc tot queda humit

ella ha conquerit la nit-

Posted in Poesia.

Cel rogenc

-Cel rogenc

senglars corrent

Ocells piulant

i el vent xiulant

Tothom preveu quina caurà

després el verd germinarà.

Posted in Poesia.

Èxode rural

-Pot ser que la tramuntana ens transtoqui la ment

però també carrega energeticament

Prefereixo conviure amb el vent

a estar envoltat de vidre i ciment

Fent vida a la muntanya potser quedes aïllat

però tampoc vull res de la ciutat

Aquí em parla la natura

dins la polis ni el veí et saluda

Als dos llocs tots fan la seva

aquí almenys et donen treva

Poques normes i senyalització

potser fer el que vulguis i a cada racó

Ni pagar, ni esperar ni cap ticket

simplement fas, com fa el niu un ocellet

Potser no hi ha tele, ni corrent

però es veu la Lluna amb el firmament

“No está mal” l’èxode rural

si tu vens serà brutal

Posted in Poesia.

Ment oberta

-Si la vida és un camí

no és cap cursa, és un jardí

Cal parar a mirar el paisatge

pensar poc en el destí

Costa molt gaudir del viatge

i més si vols tant d’esquipatge.

Una ment oberta i ganes d’aprendre

sense èxit, fama ni compra-venta

Educats per un laberint de dogmes, contractes i burocràcia

d’això no tracten la llibertat, la igualtat ni la democràcia

La veritat no la tenen ni les religions ni la ciència

no busquis fora, mira endins per trobar l’essència

Ser conscient de la il·lusió, fer caura el vel de la separació

Tot és “U”, una sola realitat, amb infinita expressió

Amunt avall, cert o fals, bo o dolent

pot ser el mateix si canviem de referent

La dualitat si, té dos pols, però estan units per un segment

busca el centre d’equilibri, no caminis pels extrems-


Posted in Poesia.

Deixa fluir

-Deixa fluir els teus pensaments
no et capfiquis constantment.
Ni demà ni ahir existeixen realment
només aquest precís moment
Així que no t’aturis en el passat
ni et pre-ocupis amb ansietat
Seu, respira i serena la teva ment
només tenim un lloc on ser feliços: el present-

Posted in Poesia.


-Desperta company
no veieu que és un parany?
Desperta companya
no veieu qui ens enganya?
Ens volen fer creure en el progrés
però només interessen els calés
uns papers mal inventants
que pel coll ens tenen agafats
I no només la nostra espècie, sinó totes, i el planeta
Fent forats, tallat boscos i contaminant fins l’últim metre
la seva ignorància és infinita
però els recursos de la Terra els limita
Així que prou d’aquesta gran bogeria
podem deixar de ser còmplices d’aquest estil de vida
Compartir més i no comprar tant
Llençar poc, reutilitzar i anar arreglant
També podem aprendre tot allò que ara ens fan cobrant
Més que mai ens cal una utopia
per fer front a tal carnisseria
Patiment, misèria i guerra
tot al servei de la moneda
Feines que roben el temps i la salut
“Guanyar-se la vida”, el conte que hem cregut
Prou egoïsme, més empatia i solidaritat
hem d’evolucionar si volem salvar l’humanitat
Només cal pau, amor, respecte i harmonia
res de possessions, estatus ni tanta tonteria-

Posted in Poesia.

Inner Worlds Outer Worlds

4 vídeos de mitja horeta, que no paren de connectar punts i et fan obrir la ment…

Posted in Documentaries, General, Videos.


A collection of stories about and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be human.

Posted in Documentaries, Videos.

War Against the Self and the World – Charles Eisenstein

Control is a central theme of our modern societies. Whether we speak of the technologist dream of perfecting our control over nature, or the spiritualist dream of perfecting human nature, the basic strategy is to encourage the good and control the bad. Just as the technological answer to a problem is to fix it or improve it, so also do we attempt to fix, change, and improve ourselves. Who would deny that self-improvement is a good thing?

So underneath technology and self-improvement is an assumption that nature and human nature is bad. I’m going to write today on the human nature part, but first let me add that I am not talking about technology per se, but about a mentality that results in a certain approach to, mode of, and application of technology. In the book I write about a different mode of technology not based on control. Most technology today, though, is firmly ensconced in the control paradigm of fixing and improving.

Suppose I get a sore throat. While other medical systems might look upon the strep bacteria as agents in the body’s cleansing and rebalancing mechanism, conventional medicine looks at them as pathogens—the cause of an illness. Obviously, the solution is to kill them, probably with antibiotics. Ah, but the antibiotics also kill the other benign species of streptococci that naturally inhabit the throat. These species secrete substances called bacteriocins that actually inhibit pathogenic strep. When they’re gone, the slate is clear for another infection a few months later. The solution? More antibiotics. Eventually, repeated doses of antibiotics disturb the intestinal flora, allowing candida and other fungi to proliferate. The solution? Anti-fungal medications. But these produce liver and adrenocortical damage. The solutions pile up, each causing new problems, affecting the immune system, reducing resistance to bacterial infections. The solution? Antibiotics.

It is important to realize that each of the above solutions was a success! It is much like an addiction. If I’m tired, coffee really does make me feel more energetic. For the alcoholic, a drink really does take away the pain. In the end, of course, heavy coffee drinking exhausts the adrenal glands and makes us chronically tired; alcoholisms destroys every source of joy in life and increases the pain. But in each individual instance it works. Here the word “fix” takes on a dual significance. Fixing a problem; a drug fix. Humanity has become addicted to its improvements and solutions; dependent on technology, yes, but also on ever-increasing doses of it.

Each labor-saving invention offers the promise of leisure tomorrow in exchange for just a little extra effort today. In the Age of Coal, the horrific sacrifices of the industrial laborers were justified by the dream of mechanized comfort for all, just around the corner. More recently, innovations such as computers, cell phones, and the like promise a more efficient, more convenient life, yet bring the opposite: they increase life’s tempo. In the most highly technological societies we are busy, rushed, and anxious as never before. Compare a day in America to a day in, say, Jamaica, where no one is ever on time and nothing can’t wait until tomorrow, or a town in the Italian countryside, where lunch lasts for three hours. Yet on some level we still buy into the promise that when we’ve finally input all the data and assigned an IP address to every scrap of matter, then machines will be able to run everything, freeing us to pursue a life of leisure.

This is what William Wordsworth called “perpetual sacrifice”, a concept that pervades civilized thought. Essentially, the present is sacrificed for the future which, being the future, never actually arrives. On the collective level, Utopia recedes forever into the distance, as each successive technological revolution—coal, electricity, atomic power, computers, nanotechnology—fails to deliver the promise of a perfect world. On the individual economic level, perpetual sacrifice is embedded in the dynamics of capitalism in an interest-based money system. Essentially, money breeds money, and the way to gather investment capital when you start with none is to save more than other people; i.e. to be more thrifty; i.e. to make more sacrifices. By the same token, work (in contradistinction to play) is something unpleasant, tedious, or taxing that we do for its future benefits. The original template for perpetual sacrifice is agriculture, in which we must sow in order to reap, and in which, having exceeded the uncultivated carrying capacity of the land, we must always save food for the future.

On the personal spiritual level—and by spiritual I simply mean what matters in life—the same logic operates. Again, it is the perpetual sacrifice of the present for a future that never arrives. The most obvious example lies in the concept of Heaven. Notice the similarities between Heaven and technological Utopia! In each we have transcended biology, death, disease, old age, pain, suffering, and the physical limitations of nature. But for this theoretical future Heaven we must sacrifice today. Even if you don’t believe in the traditional conception of Heaven, the same logic imbues nearly all spiritual practices and programs of self-improvement. We do hard things and fight our nature for the rewards it will bring. I will study harder, I will control my drinking, I will stop being so angry, I will fix myself, change myself, improve myself, and the way I will do it is by trying harder than before.

The whole concept I am calling “perpetual sacrifice”, the whole war against the self can be summed up in one short sentence: “I will improve myself and my life by trying harder.”

In no domain does this strategy work. Collectively that should be obvious: despite our best efforts to control ourselves, human beings are murdering, raping, starving, torturing, humiliating, and abusing one another and nature as much as ever. Individually, the effort to control an addiction or an emotion works only until willpower fails—inevitable in a moment of weakness. For the self to change the self that is doing the changing is impossible. Let me repeat that. For the self to change the self that is doing the changing is impossible. As I wrote in The Yoga of Eating, it is like lifting weights while treading water. Or as Audre Lord put it, “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”

In other words, the war against nature, the war against human nature, and the war against the self is hopeless. It is a war we can never win. Moreover, it is war that can only strengthen the enemy. That’s the bad news. But now listen to the good news: it is also a war we need not fight at all.

The reason we need not fight the war at all is that we have mistaken our enemy. In fact, we have invented our enemy. Control, the tool we use to fight that enemy, is actually the genesis of that enemy. On the collective level it is our separation from nature that has wrought the human condition. On the individual level it is our separation from our true selves that has produced the inauthenticity behind our own violence and self-violence. Control only exacerbates this self-separation, this artificial division of an underlying unity. Steeped, however, in the mentality of control, we can see no way out. When we see the hopelessness of control then we despair of ever fixing the world or ourselves.

And that is a good thing. It is a good thing because there is a way out. The way out is not through fixing, controlling, changing, or improving, but through witnessing. All genuine spiritual traditions recognize this, using words like mindfulness, witness consciousness, self-observation, being present to, naming the demon. Then our habits and compulsions begin to lose their power. But usually we only come to this when the program of control is in undeniable ruin. That is why despair is a good thing, a necessary step. In the twelve steps philosophy, they call it hitting bottom.

On the collective level we are also nearing bottom, realizing with despair the hopelessness of fixing the predicament we have created. Soon we will stop struggling against the world. We will bear witness to the ruin and the ruination of our civilization. That point of despair is a nothingness from which we will create an entirely new world, and not struggle to control the world we know now. Whether on the personal or collective level, new possibilities arise out of the void of despair, possibilities whose fulfillment is not a struggle against life but a cocreativity with other human beings and with life itself. It is the fulfillment of our role and function in the universe, the realization of who we truly are and what we can truly be. The desolation has gone far enough. Let’s abandon the war against ourselves and the world.

Posted in Articles.

We Are The System .eng

We all have imagined a solution for all those problems affecting our world. War, misery, poverty, hunger, pollution, crime and endless forms of suffering, affects all living beings and ecosystems.

What we have not imagined is that all of these negative consequences can be part of the same deep cause.

And this chief problem we have to take consciousness is the way we organize our lives in society.

In our recent history, the same model of organization appears everywhere, the hierarchical system.

Hierarchy organization accumulate power and influence in a few individuals, ordered and categorized, who write, plan, decide and organize the past, present and future of all individuals in the inferior levels of the classification, building a vertical relationship represented graphically as a pyramidal structure.

Any example of organizing assuming this structure, fails in satisfying the expectative of wellbeing assumedly granted for everybody in it. This brings us to the democracy concept. A system of organization where all parts and individuals share the power, without superiority or inferiority relationships. No inequality, opposed to the actual reality, where the implicit hierarchy of power provoke more unfair and unequal distribution of global wealth over time.

The few, at the top of the pyramid have more and more, while the many have less, tough also increases in number thought time.

Globalization is spreading this egoistic way of living, capitalism. With a free market vision, based upon individualism, competence, infinite accumulation and unlimited growth, where more is better and if it is now the best. Generating a greater production for greater consumption, involving continued exploitation of all available resources, and even overcoming human and natural consequences in favour of capital and their products.

Isn’t contradictory that a system likes that is still operating? Where the value of life and people is below money and things.

Where things are loved while people are being used.

Where the separation of yourself (Ego) from the others with individualism, or separating an intern group (We) from an external one (They), leading to comparisons, prejudices and discriminations of entire collectives of individuals, creating categorization, marginality, exclusion and oppression. Giving rise to hate, wrath and feelings contrary to a vision of live based on love, solidarity, cooperation, and compassion as the dominant values.

It is true that we are moving in this direction, and all social and popular movements fought and fight against the injustice.

But in most of the cases, the systemic problems are still revealing itself to a lesser extent or implicitly. Not all forms of slavery, racism, gender and sexual orientation discrimination are gone.

If we want to truly eradicate these and all other avoidable problems, the moral values will have to spread over the consciousness of all cultures.

The moral circle is expanding, and more people learn that organization can be better, and unlearn the values (established or inherited) that are not working well for everyone. Our moral sense brings to the realization that our behaviour and organization in community life can be adapted and transformed by decision.

Reason and a more evolved consciousness allow us, differently than other animals, to let go of violence and hierarchy as model of organizing, going beyond the genetic egoism, in the struggle for survival (honor culture nowadays), and considering any conflict resolution via war, violence or competence between the parties implicated, as incorrect, immoral and unethical.

And it’s logical that these individuals will have to join for the transformation of a system ruled by those who want to hold that powers. The “divide and rule” principle is letting the few powerful to maintain their dominance and control all the way to the present.


Then, what can be done?

Keeping up this awakening of a more human and moral consciousness. Accelerating this evolution, which inevitably will have to transform the established, otherwise will finish with our own extinction. This planet is not ours alone.

We start to understand that everything is connected, that all parts are necessary, where the whole is the sum of its components. Organizing a network model of interrelationships where we individually build and shape to the global together, integrating, caring and respecting all participants.

With alternatives existing planning economies more interested and focused in the common, and politic done in common, with real and direct democracy.

Transforming the economic and politic systems, the other fields, now subjected to them, will also benefit by the systemic changes.

The proposition for these solutions for the system, failing around us and have failed for so much lives will not come from the powerful. Despite the efforts of lots of philanthropists, or the advances and findings of science and technology (funded by the same as always), or the compensating of disparity with punctual helps or charity and beneficence, perhaps we should change our final goal.

We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking used when we created them. Critical thought must be used, not only a mere moderation of the eternal progress of growth (austerity and periodic crisis). Even civil disobedience against unfair and oppressive laws and rules. Remember, we are the majority. The machine is depending on us.

We Are The System.

With our acts and actions we keep the system running, without these labor and working contribution, it stops. Without unlimited exploitation, production and consumption chain, the market collapses, as we have seen many times, and then needs more to survive.

You can’t expect to see change if you never do anything differently. After all, every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want.

We have to respond to the profound challenge of our time.

An increasing number of proposals, projects, movements, initiatives for transformative change are emerging suggesting that it is possible to build another system beyond the failed systems of the past and present, and indicates that the traditional thinking domination has already started to weaken.

With this human species consciousness, collectives not limited by frontiers, flags, nationality, social class, and not subject to the pacted symbolisms of money for example, will finally show that we are all humans. And demonstrate that local, global, and cooperation in all in-between levels, works better and more efficiently than competence and egoism showed by nations-states and corporations with their own interests and profit seeking.

A decentralization of power makes organization independent at local level, with better self-management and self-sufficient projects, with initiatives more concerned about the human and environment. In most cases searching harmony with these ecosystems, taking example of its natural organization and self-reliance, pointed out by permaculture, bio-mimicry and bioregionalism.

Ecologic movements and activism join the voices of the indigenous communities, for the protection and preservation of the resources of the land, from the relentless advance of the extraction and exploitation of our home, mother Earth.

This global movement wont be listened without everyone implied in it. If we connect, communicate and organize the transition to stop this hurried and mad world. If you choose to do nothing, you become part of the problem.


One of the first things to do, is be critic with all the information coming to us in multiple ways.

Its logical that mass media and diffuse and emit what interests them (plus economic and politic interests behind as always), reporting about certain news, biased and partial mostly, and occulting, distorting and even creating some of that information.

That’s why filtering and pondering is necessary. And learn how to access and select more independent and objective knowledge.

Embracing the true potential of Internet and virtual social networks.

Sharing and building a common knowledge without secrecy, available for everyone, not just designated elites, free to manipulate and influence on the world point of view of the masses addressed by the media.

An apathetic and passive vision, diverted from the politics and economics field. Hooked into consumerism of all kinds. Even entertainment industries and show businesses like sports or music, TV and cinema contribute to this population disconnection.

Changing everyday activities and routines is the key point of this revolution. Acting different locally for a global change.

It is time to explore the alternatives. Our goal is to give voice and debate. Raise public awareness and empowering people. Searching for consensus. Searching a convergence in the organization of this big issue, maybe one of the most vitals in our lives.

We are exactly who we are waiting for.


Knowledge is power,

Spread the word


Economic alternatives examples: cooperativism, alternative currencies, local economies, Transition Movement, the sharing economy, the caring economy, the solidarity economy, the restorative economy, the sustaining economy, the resilient economy, participatory economics

More politic and activism initiatives:, The Next System Project, Xnet, DemocracyOS, Anonymous, We Are Change, Earth Guardians, World Forum for Alternatives, Collective Evolution, Alternative News Project, NuMundo, Kosmos Journal , Naomi Klein, , Charles Eisenstein, Noam Chomsky, The Venus Project, World Public Opinion




Posted in Articles, General.

Viva la Clase Media

Capítulo del programa de Jordi Évole, crítico con la degeneración de la conciencia de la clase obrera y trabajadora:


El escritor y historiador británico Owen Jones, autor de Chavs: The Demonization of the working class, habla en Salvados de la esperanza que tiene de que algún día la situación de desigualdad, discriminación e injusticias creadas por la distinción de las clases sociales cambie. Cree que se lucha para superar injusticias y lograr una sociedad sin clases y sin distribución de riqueza y poder.

Owen Jones: “Me gustaría tener un día una sociedad sin clases y creo que debemos luchar por alcanzarla”

Los ciudadanos en su gran mayoría se autoincluyen en la clase media, ya que nadie quiere ser considerado de clase obrera, asociada a etiquetas como ser “cani”, choni”, “perroflauta etc.  Cuando probablemente en la estructura empresarial o jerárquica su papel se engloba mayoritariamente en la clase obrera conceptual clásica, aquella en la que el obrero es el que trabaja a cambio de un salario y no es propietario de los medios de producción. Ese convencimiento generalizado responde a los mensajes de “divide y vencerás”, según Owen Jones, que inyectan fundamentalmente los políticos para eludir la responsabilidad del poder público ante las ineficiencias del sistema.

Posted in Videos.


Kymatica es la síntesis donde convergen filosofía, física cuántica, evolución y el afán ancestral del Ser Humano de entender su propia existencia. Un último grito a la Libertad. Una luz al final del tunel de Zeitgeist. Para ellos y para todos aquellos que aun sueñan con la paz y con la evolución de la Humanidad hacia una nueva forma de entenderse con el universo.

Documental imprescindible para los tiempos que estamos viviendo, aborda temas cruciales como el “ego colectivo” la evolución del ser y la importanca de entender los tiempos que estamos viviendo desde un angulo global


Posted in Documentaries.

DemocracyOS – Change the Tool

Somos ciudadanos del siglo XXI dando lo mejor para interactuar con instituciones diseñadas en el siglo XIX y basadas sobre una tecnología de la información del siglo XV. Es hora de que nos preguntemos: ¿cuál es la Democracia de la era de Internet?

We are 21st century citizens doing our best to interact with 19th century designed institutions that are based on an information technology of the 15th century.
It’s time we start asking: What is democracy for the internet era?

Pia Mancini and her colleagues from DemocracyOS  want to upgrade democracy in Argentina and beyond. Through their open-source mobile platform they want to bring citizens inside the legislative process, and run candidates who will listen to what they say:


Posted in Videos.


Coursera, Take the world’s best courses, online

Posted in Learning Tools.

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

TED Talks

Posted in Learning Tools.

No Excuse List

The best place on the web to learn anything, free

No Excuse List

Posted in Learning Tools.

Owned & Operated

Posted in Documentaries.

There Is No Tomorrow (peak oil, energy, growth and the future)

Posted in Documentaries.

The Paris Attacks: What You Really Need To Know

In the late hours of Friday the 13th, 2015, a half a dozen locations in Paris have suffered a series of coordinated attacks by the Islamic State (IS), as recently disclosed in a statement by these radical extremists. Reports are that 129 people have been killed, with over 300 who have been injured. Eight “terrorists” have also been allegedly killed in action, most of which were suicide bombers.

The majority of the deaths occurred at the Bataclan concert hall in the city’s East, which was a packed gig by the band “Eagles of Death Metal”. The band escaped unharmed before a ten minute massacre ensued; this was reported to be led by men wielding AK47s and explosive devices.

There were also tens of people killed in separate orchestrations across the city, including bombs set off at a sports stadium and bar, as well as a shootout at a restaurant. All up it is reported that six locations were targeted which purposely terrorized the mind-state of France, as well as the rest of the world.

The entire city was put onto alert and a total lock-down was authorized to minimize the likelihood of any further “bloodbaths”, as well as open efforts to identify any attackers that had potentially fled the scenes. It is not known if this series of events will continue in France, or even other nations, in the short-term future.

The French President, François Hollande, also locked down the country by declaring a ‘state of emergency’ and originally closing its borders. This is the first time a mandatory curfew has happened in France since 1944. Essentially, it’s martial law.

IS has officially taken ownership of this attack, who of course have been proven to be funded and reinforcedby the shadow government. This begs the question: are the Paris attacks another false flag event, as the Charlie Hebdo incident in January of 2015 is suspected to be?

The concern from the conscious community – who have woken up to the reality that shadow power moguls have infiltrated our governments, media and international bodies with the agenda of instituting a one world government – is that the latest Paris attacks are purposely designed and implemented to further their aim. Regardless if this is a solo demonstration by radical extremists or not, it certainly helps to push the plan for an international alliance, or one world government.

Aspects of the increasing exposure of the ‘New World Order‘ mission include:

RIP All Past, Present and Future Victims of this Shadow Charade

It’s an absolute tragedy that so many innocent people were lost in Paris over the weekend. Whilst we celebrate their lives, we should also pay respect to the thousands of our fellow man killed every day in war- and ideological-torn nations all over the globe, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. In addition, the innocent lives that will be lost in ‘response’ to these ‘terrorist attacks’ should not escape our compassion either.

That’s why the question “could this be a false flag event?” is so important to ask. It might be or it might not. In any case, it’s a good reminder that this is exactly what the shadow government wants because it plays into their narrative of a much needed globally coordinated war on terror.

To reiterate, as all of us should know by now, Al Qaeda and IS have been funded and assisted by the shadow players that are attempting to institute a global governance. That is of course why all this is welcomed assistance to institute a centuries-old plan of a one world government, one in which they secure impenetrable control of the world’s resources and affairs.

The migrant crisis in Europe is of course a purposely designed strategy of this power structure which has infiltrated Western Governments and taken control of the global central banking system, as well as bought out the matrix-media. Not only are they attempting to take control of the power, money and resources of the Middle East, but they also knew that when they destabilized the region and ensured that many asylum seekers would be fleeing for their lives, that a shitload of radical extremists would use it as an opportunity to enter into Europe and inflict their message.

This is what we’ve just experienced in Paris, regardless if just like 911, it was a direct operation of this shadow government or not.

If it was an orchestrated false flag, then we should ask: why France? Important information to consider is that they will potentially refuse to sign the TTIP, which is a big no-no as it’s a legal precursor to a global legal framework that ensures a corporate and elitist monopolization of the world’s resources (whilst at the same time restricting personal and community liberty).

They are also in the process of recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state, which of course undermines the efforts of the Israeli agenda. Their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, warned that it would be a “grave mistake” if they did so. Furthermore, an elite banking dynasty is “facing fraud charges in France” for breaching tax law.

These may or may not be coincidences; however, they’re important to note as they’re all counter to the whims of the shadow players.

Ultimately, we need to dig below the surface of “terrorist attacks”. This is all part of a design and we should capitalize on it as a vehicle to educate people on the real geopolitical and elitist agendas that are purposely omitted from the matrix-media narratives that manipulate and brainwash the collective consciousness of our people. Unfortunately, this is one deplorable part of the reality of humanity.

*RIP all victims of this disgraceful shadow government and its associated terrorist groups.*

Final Thoughts

My thoughts are not just with the families who are effected by the events in Paris, but also those who have and will suffer in the short and long term future because of the escalating war on our planet. We should say NO to war, in all forms, as well as NO to the aristocratic class who secretly govern our affairs, whilst hiding in plain sight.

We need real change in our society, not the perpetuation of dying systems and outdated ideologies by a ruling class that we haven’t elected to govern. For further information, follow the below links and watch the embedded video from ‘The Conscious Society‘ YouTube Channel.

Further reading:

Posted in Articles.

In Transition: a story of resilience and hope in extraordinary times

Posted in Documentaries.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Posted in Documentaries.

Tú puedes aprender cualquier cosa Khan Academy

Un recurso de aprendizaje personalizado para todas las edades

Khan Academy ofrece ejercicios de práctica, videos instructivos y un panel de aprendizaje personalizado que permite a los alumnos aprender a su propio ritmo, dentro y fuera del salón de clases. Abordamos las matemáticas, la ciencia, la programación informática, la historia, la historia del arte, la economía y más. Nuestras misiones de matemáticas guían a los alumnos desde el jardín de niños hasta el cálculo, por medio de una tecnología novedosa y adaptable que identifica las fortalezas y las lagunas de aprendizaje. Estamos asociados con instituciones como la NASA, el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York, la Academia de Ciencias de California y el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts para ofrecer contenido especializado.

Posted in Learning Tools.

10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

You hear it all the time, “we can never change the world or take down the powers that be, so don’t bother trying.” This was always something I greatly disagreed with due to the fact that I always understood that our repetition of cycles in life only continued to support the elite and is what powers them.

The very consciousness and intentions that are sent to the ether when we utter those words or decide to live life blind from the cues to change our ways is what powers the elite. So how can we change this? We change our consciousness. Our thoughts, intentions and awareness around any given situation. As much as people do not want to see this at times, the ultimate play of the elite is a war on consciousness. They are not as concerned about power, money, energy etc. as much as they are concerned about suppressing our consciousness.

That being said, humanity’s consciousness is shifting -this is very clear if you look at the big picture. As a result, we are seeing very big changes in the way people see the world, and importantly, the elites control is beginning to dissolve.

We are seeing this in a number of ways. People are not buying into the lies any longer. They are discovering the lies of the past and how they helped shape a corrupt world. They are not supporting war and realizing terrorism is an illusion. They don’t blindly follow corrupt medical practices or health practices. They are taking their lives into their own hands and realizing their government does not have their best interests at heart.

I came across an article outlining a list of visible changes that relate to the loss of control the elite have over the people. Check it out below.

Written by: Eric Blair
Activist Post

1. Official lies no longer effective: The lies they tell simply don’t work anymore. There was a time when official lies, especially about war and peace, were believed. Because, after all, how evil would it be to lie about such things? Generally people want to believe they are being told the truth when life and death is at stake. The boy who cried wolf has cried one too many times. Even if they told the truth at this point, very few would believe them.

2. No confidence in politics: US politicians have a paltry approval rating. The trust in government is at all-time lows here and around the world. Mainstream polls show only 10% of the public has confidence in Congress. In other words, 90% don’t believe in them to be competent to govern.

Watch this Town Hall exchange below where a man threatens US Senator John McCain with arrest for treason to his face. This would have never happened just a year or two ago:

3. No confidence in media: The most recent polls show that 77% of the population no longer trusts corporate TV news. Is it any wonder why the establishment media failed to sell the lies about the alleged Syria chemical event?  With all their monopoly might over the airwaves, they can no longer claim that black is white simply because officialdom says so.4. Bankers rejected: Hungary recently became the first country to follow Iceland’s lead by shedding international bankers (IMF) and is considering pursuing prosecution of past prime ministers who enslaved the people with debt. Look for this trend to continue even if nations decide to default to break free.
5. Vatican abruptly cleaning up its act: Under the previous Pope, Pope Benedict, scandals erupted from the Vatican ranging from covering up pedophile priests to money laundering and fraud. Benedict, in an unprecedented move, abruptly retired to make way for a seemingly much more likeable Pope Francis. Pope Francis by all measures is working furiously to reclaim the church’s peaceful and humble reputation. Whether this is genuine or a PR move, it’s telling that the church was forced into such a drastic turnaround to save itself from losing all credibility.6. Mutiny among soldiers: Finally. Soldiers, who are outlawed from making political statements, are steadily speaking out against US military adventurism. As Einstein famously said “The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service.”7. Militarized police state: One of the darkest signs that the elite are losing their grip on power is the construction of the militarized police state specifically trained to combat domestic civil unrest. Local cops with tanks and other combat gear are working with Feds at Fusion centers, active Army units are on American soil for the first time in history, the NSA spy grid is being used by the IRS and DEA, and the elimination of due process for Americans under the NDAA are just some of the tyrannical moves made to secure the elite criminals from public backlash. They’re clearly scared, and they should be given what they’ve done to the American people and the Constitution.

8. Serious secession movements everywhere: A state seceding from a larger political entity used to be an ultra-fringe concept, until now. In America, secession movements are winning over the public in parts of Colorado and California. In Europe, serious secession movements are happening in Spain and Scotland, as well as several EU nations flirting with the idea of dropping out the the euro. Decentralization = Entropy!9. GMO food being rejected everywhere: Control the food and you control the people. True in theory, but much more difficult in practice. GMO leaders like Monsanto are being exposed. All of their economic and political strength cannot defeat the spread of knowledge about the dangers of pesticide-soaked Frankenfoods. GMO fields are being burned in protest in America and around the world, informed nations continue to reject their products, and labelling laws are gaining traction.10. Cannabis liberation: Many reading this will think marijuana legalization is a superficial development. However, it is a major signpost that the elite’s grip is fading.  Enormous resources have been spent to keep cannabis illegal. Cannabis has been a powerful medicine for physical, mental, and spiritual health throughout the ages. This single plant represents a huge threat to the power structures and their industries, hence its seemingly senseless illegality. The approaching global reversal of the tyrannical policy of prohibition is the first of many concessions to come.

Posted in Articles.

Inside Job

Posted in Documentaries.

Earthrise – Take The Power Back

Posted in Documentaries.

The Venus Project

paradise or oblivion

Posted in Documentaries.

The Shock Doctrine – Naomi Klein

Posted in Documentaries.

We Are The System .esp

Todos hemos imaginado un mundo sin guerras, sin pobreza, sin delincuencia, sin contaminación y sin todas las otras interminables causas de sufrimiento.

Pero lo que no imaginamos es que puedan tener una causa común, que un cambio en la raíz de estos problemas pueda acabar con todas estas desastrosas consecuencias que afectan tan negativamente a nuestras vidas y las de todo ser vivo.

Este problema de fondo del cual debemos tomar consciencia no es otro que la manera de organizar nuestras vidas en sociedad.

Solo hace falta repasar nuestra historia reciente para ir encontrando variantes de este mismo nefasto modelo de organización, la jerarquía.

Una organización jerárquica implica un orden y una estratificación en cuanto a niveles de poder para decidir sobre la organización de ese grupo.

Este sistema concentra el poder en manos de unos pocos, que deciden y planifican tanto pasado, presente como futuro de las vidas que quedan en los niveles inferiores que gradualmente incluyen más individuos, construyendo una figura en forma de pirámide, que sería la representación gráfica que caracteriza este modelo jerárquico.

Cualquier intento de funcionar siguiendo este pensamiento nunca ha satisfecho las expectativas de todos los integrantes de la pirámide. Esto lleva a la aparición del concepto de democracia, una visión de organización donde todos los individuos tienen el poder de dar voz y participar en la planificación y decisión. Donde no son solo unos pocos, privilegiados en la punta de la pirámide, quienes tienen todo el poder y lo quieran mantener, incrementando progresivamente ellos mismos la desigualdad de estos poderes, traduciéndose actualmente en un sistema donde una pequeña parte de la población cada vez tiene más, y la otra gran mayoría, que también va creciendo en número, cada vez tiene menos.

Así se promueve una visión egoísta, otra de las consecuencias de esta forma interesada de organizar la sociedad. La globalización está colaborando a generalizar este enfoque de la vida, el capitalismo.

Con su visión de libre mercado, basada en valores como el individualismo, la competencia o la acumulación infinita de bienes y riqueza con un crecimiento sin límites, dónde más es mejor y cuanto antes también, con una producción cada vez más grande para un mayor consumo, que también comporta una explotación de recursos infinitos, y que se sobrepone incluso a las consecuencias humanas y ambientales en favor del capital y sus productos.


Nos debería hacer pensar que aún siga funcionando un sistema tan contradictorio de organizar nuestras vidas, donde las personas y la vida están por debajo de las cosas y el dinero. Y donde nos rodeamos y queramos más a estas cosas que a las personas, que más bien acaban siendo utilizadas.

Los que han ido reflexionando sobre esto se ha traducido en un incesante corriente de movimientos sociales y populares, formados desde la base de la pirámide, que han luchado y seguirán luchando para cambiar todas las injusticias que surgen de este sistema de organización.

Un sistema que se estructura en las diferencias y las clasificaciones, en la desconexión de todo, en negar la diversidad.

Al separar todo el resto de ti (ego), con valores como el individualismo. O diferenciar entre un grupo interno (nosotros) y uno externo (ellos), se han construido comparaciones que han llevado a categorizaciones, prejuicios y discriminaciones de colectivos enteros de personas que son excluidos, etiquetados u oprimidos. Estos principios provocarán a la vez valores y sentimientos de odio, menosprecio, sumisión y otros que también se alejan de un mundo donde sean valores como el amor, la compasión, la empatía o la cooperación los dominantes.


No podemos negar que se hayan producido cambios y mejoras en esta dirección, pero en gran medida no dejan de ser pequeños arreglos o parches que no resuelven el problema del todo, que se sigue manifestando en menor grado o de forma implícita. No ha desaparecido toda forma de esclavitud, y sigue existiendo discriminación por etnia, género, orientación sexual, etc.

Debemos expandir el círculo moral para erradicar estos prejuicios mal aprendidos.

Estos valores morales se van extendiendo por las culturas, aprendiendo que hay cosas que las podemos organizar mejor. Al evolucionar nuestro sentido moral, muchas injusticias y consecuencias poco éticas de nuestra forma de hacer y comportarnos, que recordemos que en parte está influida por la genética (que los poderosos justifican para su supervivencia del más fuerte (o también llamada cultura del honor), con un egoísmo por proteger únicamente sus genes y valorar a todo lo que se va alejando como enemigos, fuera de nuestro círculo moral, que podemos decidir cambiar o ajustar a estos principios y valores que cada uno va construyendo en su visión de la vida. Una visión que no tienen los animales por ejemplo, y por eso aún utilizan la violencia y las estructuras jerárquicas para funcionar, no como nosotros que tenemos la capacidad para decidir, gracias también a la propia evolución, que tiene muy claro que si todo está conectado, y todo sirve para algo, la eficiencia y funcionamiento es mejor en aspectos globales.

Cada vez más personas están de acuerdo en que hacer la guerra, matar o cualquier intento de resolver un conflicto mediante la violencia o la competencia de las partes involucradas no es la correcta. Estas personas, que les une esta misma causa, empieza a estar mejor preparada y saber confluir. Es lógico que los que no forman parte de la parte beneficiada de este planteamiento, se tengan que unir para cambiar el sistema que se rige por un: “divide, y vencerás”.


¿Qué podemos hacer entonces?

Seguir con el despertar de esta consciencia más humana y moral, que inevitablemente tendrá que transformar lo establecido si no quiere llegar a la propia extinción.

Una evolución que podemos acelerar si actuamos en consecuencia, sumando cada acción para organizar una red, donde entre todos vamos construyendo lo global, integrando y respetando todas las partes. Con alternativas que ya existen para planear una economía, mucho más interesada en lo común, con una política también hecha en común, con una democracia real y directa.

No cabe decir que transformando la política y la economía, los otros ámbitos que ahora se someten a estos dos, formando estos tentáculos o brazos y manos invisibles que influyen en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas, también se beneficiarían de unas soluciones sistémicas.


Y tenemos que ser nosotros mismos quienes organicen esta transición.

Las propuestas no van a venir de quien ya tiene el poder, por muchos filántropos que lo intenten, ni de los descubrimientos y avance de las ciencias y las tecnologías subvencionados y dirigidos por la misma fuente de siempre. Tampoco compensando la desigualdad con ayudas puntuales, beneficencia y limosnas.

Los cambios tienen que ser profundos, no podemos pretender arreglar el problema pensando de la misma manera que al crearlos, hay que pensar críticamente, no basta simplemente moderar la velocidad de este interminable “progreso” económico, a lo mejor hay que cambiar de rumbo, desobedeciendo si hace falta algunas de las normas y leyes injustas establecidas por el aparato que lógicamente se blinda y auto protege.

Recordad que nosotros somos la mayoría. La máquina la hacemos funcionar también con nuestros actos. Nosotros somos el sistema. Sin nuestro consumo ni nuestro aporte laboral en el proceso productivo, la cadena se detiene, y el mercado colapsa, como ya hemos visto con sus crisis, que siguen pidiendo más recursos, más producción y más consumo para sobrevivir.

Los nuevos modelos, que pueden ser muy diversos entre si, depende de como se vayan agrupando las comunidades que ya no se verán limitadas ni por absurdas fronteras, ni banderas, ni nacionalidad, ni clase social, ni sometidos al poderoso y pactado símbolo de la moneda, demostrarán por fin que todos somos humanos, y que la cooperación colectiva entre pueblos funciona mejor que el egoísmo por el afán de poder demostrado por los estados nación y las corporaciones con intereses propios.

La descentralización del poder permite organizarse mucho mejor a nivel local, con proyectos de autogestión y autosuficientes, con iniciativas más sostenibles y preocupadas por lo humano y lo natural. En muchos casos buscando una harmonía con estos ecosistemas, de los que también tendríamos que tomar ejemplo de su organización y eficiencia, como apuntan la permacultura, la biomimesis o el bioregionalismo.

Los movimientos ecologistas se suman a las voces de las comunidades indígenas que siguen defendiendo la tierra y sus recursos ante la imparable extracción y proliferación provocados por la irracional visión de crecimiento ilimitado, que está poniendo en peligro la supervivencia del planeta entero.

Este movimiento global puede hacernos pensar en la necesidad de estos cambios. Que solo llegarán si nos seguimos poniendo en contacto y organizándonos entre iguales, con acciones directas que transformen el entramado político y económico que ha fallado, sigue fallando a tantas vidas en el pasado, el presente y el futuro de nuestras generaciones.

Esta organización pasa por dejar de seguir alimentando la espiral. Y esto se consigue eligiendo las alternativas que no colaboran a seguir haciendo funcionar el modelo dominante actual.

Para empezar, debemos ser más críticos con toda la información que nos llega. Es lógico que los medios de comunicación difundan y emitan lo que les interesa, (intereses económicos que dependen de los poderosos de siempre) comunicando solo determinadas noticias, o contándolas parcialmente, o incluso manipulando y inventando parte de esta información. Así que debemos filtrar esta información y seleccionar la que racional y objetivamente sea más creíble, aprendiendo también donde conseguir esta información imparcial e independiente, alternativa a la forma de pensar establecida.

Aprovechemos el verdadero potencial de Internet y sus redes sociales virtuales.

Compartir y construir un conocimiento común sin medias verdades ni secretos, haciendo este conocimiento accesible para todos, y no solo disponible a ciertas élites que puedan ocultar y manipular a interés, influenciando en la visión de la realidad de las masas a las que se dirigen.

Este modo de formar nuestra visión del universo, solamente consumiendo la información de los medios, y en general siendo pasivo y apático en cuanto al tema de la organización política y económica, nos mantiene desviados con el negocio-espectáculo de las diversas industrias del entretenimiento desde deportes como el futbol hasta artes como el cine y la música, nos mantiene en esta desconexión de la población. Y una sociedad que elija no hacer nada, se convierte en parte del problema. No puedes esperar ver un cambio si no haces algo diferente.

En el fondo cada vez que gastamos dinero, estamos lanzando un voto a favor del modelo de mundo que queremos.

Por eso tenemos que participar más. Implicarnos en la organización de nuestra vida en sociedad. Activemos el poder que tenemos.

¿Quien lo va a hacer si no somos nosotros mismos?


Por eso hay que dar a conocer todos los movimientos posibles para que la gente pueda debatir, opinar y participar.

El conocimiento es nuestro poder,

Difunde la palabra


Ejemplos de propuestas económicas alternativas: las cooperativas, monedas alternativas y economías locales como BALLE, modelos alternativos como Transition Movement, the sharing economy, the caring economy, the solidarity economy, the restorative economy, the sustaining economy, the resilient economy, participatory economics


-Otras propuestas políticas y activistas:, The Next System Project, Xnet, DemocracyOS, ATTAC, AnonymousEarth Guardians, World Forum for Alternatives, Collective Evolution, Alternative News Project, NuMundo, Kosmos Journal , Naomi KleinCharles Eisenstein, Noam Chomsky, The Venus Project, World Public Opinion


Posted in Articles.